All these products are from hashicorp.
consul : a ready made datacenter tool for service discovery ( finding applications coming up on nodes on data center) .
- Each data center MUST run atleast one consul server
- Each node MUST run a consul agent
How to run a simple cluster of consul servers ( as docker containers )
- docker run -d --name consul-node-1 -h consul-node-1 -p -p 8500:8500 -p 8400:8400 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-1 -bootstrap -advertise -client
- JOIN_IP="$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' consul-node-1)" docker run -d --name consul-node-2 -h consul-node-2 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-2 -join $JOIN_IP
- docker run -d --name consul-node-3 -h consul-node-3 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-3 -join $JOIN_IP
- docker run -d --name consul-node-4 -h consul-node-4 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-4 -join $JOIN_IP
docker ps
8b1fb4cd3c09 gliderlabs/consul-server "/bin/consul agent -s" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes 8300-8302/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp, 8301-8302/udp, 8600/tcp, 8600/udp consul-node-3
8c5a59c2f878 gliderlabs/consul-server "/bin/consul agent -s" 18 minutes ago Up 18 minutes 8300-8302/tcp, 8400/tcp, 8500/tcp, 8301-8302/udp, 8600/tcp, 8600/udp consul-node-2
cdf06afbe5fc gliderlabs/consul-server "/bin/consul agent -s" 20 minutes ago Up 20 minutes>8400/tcp, 8300-8302/tcp, 8600/tcp, 8301-8302/udp,>8500/tcp,>8600/udp consul-node-1
I am writing this page to collect all my findings and share with team.
Hope it helps, happy reading!!!
I am working on
- setting up hashicorp's consul and vault .
- Write a vault client as part of PEP
- How to start consul locally in your VM ( i have a ubuntu on my parallels )
- Each data center MUST run atleast one consul server
- Each node MUST run a consul agent
- Running consul-server as a docker container
- docker run -d --name consul-node-1 -h consul-node-1 -p -p 8500:8500 -p 8400:8400 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-1 -bootstrap -advertise -client
- Running consul-server as a standalone binary on your host
- This starts hashicorp's consul , UI :
- Running a consul cluster of docker containers
- docker run -d --name consul-node-1 -h consul-node-1 -p -p 8500:8500 -p 8400:8400 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-1 -bootstrap -advertise -client
- JOIN_IP="$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' consul-node-1)" docker run -d --name consul-node-2 -h consul-node-2 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-2 -join $JOIN_IP
- docker run -d --name consul-node-3 -h consul-node-3 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-3 -join $JOIN_IP
- docker run -d --name consul-node-4 -h consul-node-4 gliderlabs/consul-server -node consul-node-4 -join $JOIN_IP
- How to start a vault pointing to above consul
- vault can be downloaded directly as a packaged binary ( 64-bit )
- a simple vault configuration could be as below
- backend "consul" { address = "" path = "vault" advertise_addr = "" scheme = "http" } listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 1 }
- starting vault server
- export VAULT_ADDR=
- vault status Error checking seal status: Error making API request. URL: GET Code: 400. Errors: * server is not yet initialized
ubuntu$ vault init
Key 1: 5fea1643a59b41cea982ce684baf2399851d3423483a1deccfb59a22d315875901
Key 2: bdf7d80022697c44e9d50c5318cae72926f69008c1aef3b02f82d4f44c438eb502
Key 3: ad7e6ca87d8bb3df70549f2062fafd6532ce0c2cbb4543b960eb515fb60fe6b703
Key 4: d5127290d248b68774a554053ae11bbdae22b41ed3d185480166d7b3fd53df1904
Key 5: c59bc6388daa791ced24c77640d101f1ba1a283aa93a35414e0f5218071fb71b05
Initial Root Token: 97a7735a-0b7d-7a40-b51e-779904e85d8b Vault initialized with 5 keys and a key threshold of 3. Please securely distribute the above keys. When the Vault is re-sealed, restarted, or stopped, you must provide at least 3 of these keys to unseal it again. Vault does not store the master key. Without at least 3 keys, your Vault will remain permanently sealed.
- Writing secrets into vault
- vault has to be authenticated and unsealed before any operation can be done
- $vault auth 97a7735a-0b7d-7a40-b51e-779904e85d8b
- $vault write secret value=secret
- References