Sunday, April 27, 2014

Google Compute Engine (GCE)

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Run VMware environments in AWS or Google without modifying your VMs or networking

Ravello Systems Enables Enterprises to Accelerate Development of Complex Applications and Android Mobile Clients with Google Cloud Platform 

Google announced Compute Engine on June 28, 2012 at Google I/O 2012 in a limited preview mode. In April 2013, GCE was made available to customers with Gold Support Package. On February 25, 2013, Google announced that RightScale was their first reseller.[1] During Google I/O 2013, many features including sub-hour billing, shared-core instance types, larger persistent disks, enhanced SDN based networking capabilities and ISO 27001 certification got announced. GCE became available to everyone on May 15, 2013. Layer 3 load balancing came to GCE on August 7, 2013. Finally, on December 2, 2013, Google announced that GCE is generally available. It also expanded the OS support, enabled live migration of VMs, 16-core instances, faster persistent disks and lowered the price of standard instances. At the Google Cloud Platform Live event on 25 March 2014, Urs Hölzle, Senior VP of technical infrastructure announced sustained usage discounts, support for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Cloud DNS and Cloud Deployment Manager.


All machine types are charged a minimum of 10 minutes. For example, if you run your instance for 2 minutes, you will be billed for 10 minutes of usage. After 10 minutes, instances are charged in 1 minute increments, rounded up to the nearest minute. For example, an instance that lives for 11.25 minutes will be charged for 12 minutes of usage.

Prices are effective April 1, 2014.

Machine Type Pricing


Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(APAC hosted)
n1-standard-1 1 3.75GB $0.070 $0.077 $0.077
n1-standard-2 2 7.5GB $0.140 $0.154 $0.154
n1-standard-4 4 15GB $0.280 $0.308 $0.308
n1-standard-8 8 30GB $0.560 $0.616 $0.616
n1-standard-16 16 60GB $1.120 $1.232 $1.232

High Memory

Machines for tasks that require more memory relative to virtual cores
Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(APAC hosted)
n1-highmem-2 2 13GB $0.164 $0.180 $0.180
n1-highmem-4 4 26GB $0.328 $0.360 $0.360
n1-highmem-8 8 52GB $0.656 $0.720 $0.720
n1-highmem-16 16 104GB $1.312 $1.440 $1.440

High CPU

Machines for tasks that require more virtual cores relative to memory
Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(APAC hosted)
n1-highcpu-2 2 1.80GB $0.088 $0.096 $0.096
n1-highcpu-4 4 3.60GB $0.176 $0.192 $0.192
n1-highcpu-8 8 7.20GB $0.352 $0.384 $0.384
n1-highcpu-16 16 14.40GB $0.704 $0.768 $0.768

Shared Core

Machines for tasks that don't require a lot of resources but do have to remain online for long periods of time.
Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(APAC hosted)
f1-micro 1 0.60GB $0.013 $0.014 $0.014
g1-small 1 1.70GB $0.035 $0.0385 $0.0385

Sustained Use Discounts

Once you use an instance for over 25% of a billing cycle, your price starts dropping. This discount is applied automatically, with no sign-up or up-front commitment required. If you use an instance for 100% of the billing cycle, you get a 30% net discount over our already low prices.
More details

Network Pricing

Ingress Free
Egress to the same Zone. Free
Egress to a different Cloud service within the same Region. Free
Egress to Google products (such as YouTube, Maps, Drive). Free *
Egress to a different Zone in the same Region (per GB) $0.01
Egress to a different Region within the US $0.01 *
Inter-continental Egress At Internet Egress Rate
Internet Egress (Americas/EMEA destination) per GB
0-1 TB in a month $0.12
1-10 TB $0.11
10+ TB $0.08
Internet Egress (APAC destination) per GB
0-1 TB in a month $0.21
1-10 TB $0.18
10+ TB $0.15

Load Balancing and Protocol Forwarding

US Europe APAC
Hourly service charge $0.025 (5 rules included)
$0.010 per additional rule
$0.028 (5 rules included)
$0.011 per additional rule
$0.028 (5 rules included)
$0.011 per additional rule
Per GB of data processed $0.008 $0.009 $0.009

Persistent Disk Pricing

Provisioned space $0.04 GB / month
Snapshot storage $0.125 GB / month
IO operations No additional charge

Image Storage

Image storage $0.085 GB / month

IP Address Pricing

Static IP address (assigned but unused) $0.01 / hour
Static IP address (assigned and in use) Free
Ephemeral IP address (attached to instance) Free
   * promotional pricing

Documentation & Resources

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