Sunday, June 4, 2017

Network Traffic Analysis

Goal :

  1. Generate netflow traffic (simulator) in linux box
  2. Map the generated data as visual graphs

Situation :

"Recently I needed some NetFlow data samples, I’ve looked all over the internet for some of those, but for obvious privacy reasons there were none. No one shares their NetFlow data. Not even a little sample. So what could I do, I had no Cisco equipments to generate traffic on and then to collect it in data flows. So I’ve improvised by using my laptop as a router in the campus network and collecting the traffic that went through it in data flows. This post is about how to generate and collect Netflow data on your own network."

Tools used :

  • # apt-get install softflowd
/etc/default/softflowd file and define the INTERFACE and OPTIONS variables as follows:
  • INTERFACES = "any"
    OPTIONS = "-n"
# /etc/init.d/softflowd start

If you don’t want to wait for the flows to expire, you may force them to by running this:
# softflowd -c /var/run/softflowd.ctl expire-all

nfdump - install and test the collector

The nfdump package is a suite of tools, one of which is nfcapd, which is the collector, and nfdump which is the display and analysis program. There are some other tools included as well, but those are the major commands we need to know about. To install nfdump run:

# apt-get install nfdump

# nfcapd -D -l /var/cache/nfdump

# lsof -Pni | grep nfcapd

We should wait awhile for some data to be produced, but to see what that data looks like we could run the following command:

# nfdump -R /var/cache/nfdump/ | head -5
Date first seen          Duration Proto      Src IP Addr:Port          Dst IP Addr:Port   Packets    Bytes Flows
2015-09-10 18:45:05.243     0.000 UDP ->         1       49     1
2015-09-10 18:45:08.107     0.000 UDP    ->           2      656     1
2015-09-10 18:42:29.532   161.807 UDP    ->           3      984     1
2015-09-10 18:45:08.458     4.103 UDP   ->          4      312     1

#sudo softflowctl -c /var/run/softflowd.ctl statistics
#sudo softflowctl -c /var/run/softflowd.ctl expire-all
#nfdump -R /var/cache/nfdump/ | head -5

nfsen : A nice visualization tool for 

Download nfsen-1.3.8 bundle

#tar -xvf nfsen-1.3.8.tar.gz
#cd nfsen-1.3.8/

Make sure you make a copy of nfsen.conf template and ready for editing it
#sudo ./ etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo apt-get install rrdtool
#sudo ./ etc/nfsen.conf
#perl -MCPAN -e 'install RRD::Simple'
#gunzip -c rrdtool-1.4.3.tar.gz | tar xf -
#cd rrdtool-1.4.3/
#sudo apt-get install libpangol.0-dev libxml2-dev
#sudo apt-get install libpangol.O-dev libxml2-dev
#sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev libxml2-dev
#./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR && make && make install
#sudo ./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR && make && make install
#sudo ./ etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo ./ etc/nfsen.conf
#aptitude install rrdtool librrd2-dev librrd-dev librrd4 librrds-perl librrdp-perl
#sudo aptitude install rrdtool librrd2-dev librrd-dev librrd4 librrds-perl librrdp-perl
#sudo apt-get install php5
#netstat -autn | grep -i listen
#vi etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo useradd -d /var/netflow -G www-data -m -s /bin/false netflow
#sudo perl etc/nfsen.conf
#vi etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo perl etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo instmodsh
#sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::Header'
#sudo perl etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Socket6'
#sudo perl etc/nfsen.conf
#sudo ps -ef | grep nfsen
#sudo ./nfsen start

Enable apache2.conf for nfsen web folders
#sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
#sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

References :

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Scalable SQL like data store ( cockroach DB )

I happened to try something cool this week, where the traditional SQL databases failed to solve these challenges.

MySQL, Postgres or Oracle all have HA and replication, backup and recovery but these are still a huge monolith of data stores spanning huge volumes of disks.

The traditional way of solving these would be the sharding of db ( db-federation ) ...segregating reads and write to different instances ( PS :

Scale up : is to load a server instance with more resources (CPU, Memory ... )
Scale out : is to create more instance of server ( this needs sufficient network pipe ...)

Scale out solution with db sharding could be of 3 choices
1. Range Partitoning
2. List Partitioning 
3. Consistent Hashing ( wow, i learned this in the context of load balancer )

Now, with all these traditional approaches. 
How distributed systems could solve this elegantly ( how i got glued to cockroachDB )

Cloud spanner : 
  • is from google, its is a light weight  distributed data store which can be SQL queried. 
  • Release in early 2017 , a quite internal customer inside google for many years
  • Has libraries for go, java, nodes, python 
CockroachDB : 
  • A on-prem solution is from cockroach labs 
  • Light weight go-lang implementation uses confesses protocol in the backend , gossip and raft.
  • Very easy to set up , can start as docker over the docker network bridge
  • These guys are from google who did spanner implementation for google, lets hope for the best
Amazon Athena : 

  • Is a similar SQL based distributed data store , but it is server less. 
  • Metered only when query is fired on data sets.
  • Cool editor to handle SQL queries , handed data from S3 buckets 

How easy to get started with cockroach DB ?

1.Create a docker network "roachnet"
#docker network create -d bridge roachnet

2. Start the first cockroach DB node
#docker run -d --name=roach1 --hostname=roach1 --net=roachnet -p 26257:26257 -p 8080:8080  -v "${PWD}/cockroach-data/roach1:/cockroach/cockroach-data"  cockroachdb/cockroach:beta-20170413 start --insecure

3. Start the second cockroach DB node
#docker run': docker run -d --name=roach2 --hostname=roach2 --net=roachnet -v "${PWD}/cockroach-data/roach2:/cockroach/cockroach-data" cockroachdb/cockroach:beta-20170413 start --insecure --join=roach1

4.Start the third cockroach DB node
#docker run': docker run -d --name=roach3 --hostname=roach3 --net=roachnet -v "${PWD}/cockroach-data/roach3:/cockroach/cockroach-data" cockroachdb/cockroach:beta-20170413 start --insecure --join=roach1

Voila , cockroachDB with 3 nodes are up and running

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                              NAMES
e1940aab526f        cockroachdb/cockroach:beta-20170413   "/cockroach/cockro..."   46 hours ago        Up 46 hours         8080/tcp, 26257/tcp                                roach3
93939da8b5f8        cockroachdb/cockroach:beta-20170413   "/cockroach/cockro..."   46 hours ago        Up 46 hours         8080/tcp, 26257/tcp                                roach2

466fd24c9720        cockroachdb/cockroach:beta-20170413   "/cockroach/cockro..."   46 hours ago        Up 46 hours>8080/tcp,>26257/tcp   roach1

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017

K8 (Kube) Package Manager - Helm

I see helm as analogous to  AWS Cloud Formation

Helm is the package manager for kubenetes. It in-turn uses kubenetes charts .

Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
Use Helm to...

  • Find and use popular software packaged as Kubernetes charts
  • Share your own applications as Kubernetes charts
  • Create reproducible builds of your Kubernetes applications
  • Intelligently manage your Kubernetes manifest files
  • Manage releases of Helm packages

Helm is the tool to load charts into K8 for application deployment

Thursday, March 2, 2017

WTF is "Open Source Core"

I recently came across this term and it sounds cool and practical to me.
Thought of sharing it here, as i suddenly realized i have this in my screen all over...

Example : Look at , formerly influx DB.

They have real good products (influxcloud, influxEnterprise, TICK stack), inturn all of these are just one "A Real-Time Monitoring Solution"

In data center we host tons of application and we need a true solution for monitoring, there are tons of monitoring solutions datadog, new relic, etc... but all are closed products.

The power of "Open Source Core" is the whole complex product is open sourced ( githubbed )
, but the niche feature to take it to enterprise or integrate will be the monetizing way.

That is , in this example Influx Enterprise is the Monetizing product.

Another example : Hashicorp

Famously called "Hashi-stack", open sourced all their core complex products.
Vagrant, Packer, Vault, Consul, Terraform. But their enterprise version and another niche product atlas is their monetizing product.

Mesosphere DC/OS installation

I am playing around with DC/OS and tried to install it on GCE ( Google Cloud Engine )

I blindly followed

and saw stars at the end ( well, spinning around my head ) .

Not so good documentation, end result : "nothing works"

I was hoping i will improve this documentation with my experience of installing in GCE, but i failed miserably , could not achieve what i want to do.

Ok, what really happened

I followed the instruction in DC/OS documentation but could not get the DC/OS up and running.

1. :
Easy and got this working
2. :
These are ansible powered and calls GCE API to provision a master0 node and then agent-nodes, all works fine with slight tweek to ansible, it did not run the first time as documented.
3. : Failed

I wanted to be sure if i really installed DC/OS stack and was i successful?
I could not see the mesos, marathon or DCOS. Err:FAILED.

All i have done so far is bring up 3 VMs in my GCE.

I wish this document gets better and a cleaner support ....

BTW : A good pod to listen to

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How to run graylog cluster in GKE(Google Container Engine)

With reference to another article i wrote earlier on how to run graylog cluster in kubenetes here ( , it was the way to run graylog ( mongo, elastic and graylog server) to-gether in one single container instance in minikube.

Here i take another attempt to run micro-services container of mongodb, elastic-search and graylog2 in google cloud platform - google container engine( GKE )

Step1 : See here ( , how to bring up GKE ( kubenetes instance )

I assume, you followed the instructions here correctly and have "kubectl" CLI configured correctly to point to your gcloud GKE instance.
Make sure you can access kubenetes dashboard , for which you have to proxy service 

#kubectl proxy

Step 2 : get the kubenetes service and deployment files here ( ), clone repo

Step 3 : Create mongo, elasticsearch, graylog
#kubectl create -f mongo-service.yaml,mongo-deployment.yaml
#kubectl create -f elasticsearch-deployment.yaml,elasticsearch-service.yaml
#kubectl create -f graylog-deployment.yaml,graylog-service.yaml

Step 4 : forward graylog UI to local 19000 port
#kubectl port-forward graylog-2041601814-5qnbc 9000:9000

Step 5 : Verify if all services are up
#kubectl get services
NAME            CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)              AGE
elasticsearch   None          <none>        55555/TCP            1h
graylog   <none>        9000/TCP,12201/TCP   1h
kubernetes    <none>        443/TCP              1d

mongo           None          <none>        55555/TCP            1h

NOTE: Access localhost:9000 for graylog UI

Step 6 : Graylog UI is empty and do not have any logs to index or show , i have exposed port number 12201. Create a port forward for graylog input GELF HTTP
Make sure you got this screen configured in graylog, configurig GELF-HTTP in graylog

#kubectl port-forward graylog-2041601814-5qnbc 12201:12201

Step 7 : Now we can pump some test log statements into graylog from localhost

for i in {1..100000}; do curl -XPOST -p0 -d '{"short_message":"Hello there", "host":"", "facility":"test", "_foo":"bar"}'; done

After step 7 where you pump the logs, see if logs are showing up in the graylog UI

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

GKE - Google Container Engine

Google Container (with K) Engine aka GKE is a container solution from google cloud platform (GCP)

How to start with GKE?
  1. I assume you have a account signed up with your gmail account, need credit card (but $300 credit) for 60 days
  3. View My Console 
  4. Remember to download "gcloud"
  5. My cluster is called "kubecluster-1"
  6. Once i have gcloud init and installed , set up the auth by gcloud auth list      
  7. Sample kubectl command shows it works
#kubectl get namespaces
NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    1h
kube-system   Active    1h

voila, kube is up

Thursday, February 23, 2017

How to run graylog cluster in kubernetes

Graylog is the splunk equivalent for log collection, indexing , search analysis function.

I am playing around with it little bit and seeing the functions, so i need a quick installed version in 

  1. If OS X install minikube
  2. Running graylog cluster : 
    • #kubectl run graylog --image=graylog2/allinone --port=9000
  3. Forward TCP:9000 to show the graylog UI 
    • #kubectl port-forward graylog-2473246842-b6rhg 9000 &
  4. To view UI : point your browser to :
    • admin/admin is the default username and password
  5. To view logs of graylog pods : 
    • #kubectl get pods ( this should give an output of running graylog container instance )
    • #kubectl logs graylog-2473246842-b6rhg

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Data Analytics / Data Pipeline PANKCAKE

Working on a goal to bring this up in simple kubenetes cluster.

minikube ( playgroud for kubernetes )

Exercise Goal : Bring up minikube ( kubernetes ) in local VM

Bringing up minikube (kubenetes) + weave scope ( a monitoring stack ) in local laptop
#minikube addons list
- registry-creds: disabled
- addon-manager: enabled
- dashboard: enabled
- kube-dns: enabled
- heapster: disabled
- ingress: disabled

I could not successfully bring in weave, i like it better graphically, but all i got it heapster for now

#minikube addons enable heapster 
heapster was successfully enabled

Kubectl Drain
#kubectl drain minikube —force
This node minikube will be drained and all services will be stopped by force, there is an option to provide grace time.

To recover a node which has drained
#kubectl uncordon minikube

Heapster – the influx , graphana, dashboard for kube

#minikube addons open heapster 

This should open a browser and graphana showing pods, cluster

Monday, February 13, 2017

Serverless ( AWS : Lambda / GCP:Cloud Functions / Azure:Functions )


I am writing this as i exploring the infrastructure and landscape of serverless in early 2017.
Lately i see the adoption to serverless is drastic and really see the need for it every month i have to check the bills.

I was telling people that serverless is the solution to big fat bills from cloud providers. In turn what really that means is serverless is the way of standing up applications, databases, ETL jobs , web servers etc... in simple and quick way , where the huge operational cost of standing up virtual machines with operating system is not needed. Indeed the application runs as simple function instance.

AWS : Lamba
GCP : Cloud Functions
Azure : Functions

Are the available famous serverless architectures.

Marriage of containers and serverless

as i write here, there are lots of momentum on container (docker) supporting the serverless infrastructure.

Hypernetes is a secure, multi-tenant Kubernetes distro. Simply put,
Hypernetes = Bare-metal + Hyper + Kubernetes + KeyStone + Cinder + Neutron.
Reference :

Friday, February 10, 2017

Tricks using GCP for begginers

Tracking Some gcloud commands

  1. I see the application login authentication need your browser to use the google id and password.

This creates a file ~/.kube/config and stores the downloaded user information session in here.

Launch kubectl proxy or #kubectl cluster-info this uses this application login details to function.

gcloud auth application-default login

Kubernetes cluster on GCP for Dummies

Agenda : Bring up kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform

Reference :

  1. Bring up, sign in as your google id or create a new google account. Note : Currently $300 is free per account on GCP, *still need credit card
  2. Follow the instruction in the reference section
Sequence of steps
I got the cluster up and working and when i tried to install kube-dashboard, it did not work.
"Unauthorized" error when accessed web UI.


Some more readings :

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Public Cloud Monitoring and Diagnostic tools

As i was exploring tools on the microsoft azure and actively deploying applications.
Around 300 some VMs and lots of network constructs with VLANs and subnets.

I was looking for a one stop shop / single pane of glass tool for public cloud ( azure ) and local DC server applications , and hybrid monitoring tool.

I see the eco-system has good momentum and lots of thrid party applications claiming the

  • ( lots of visualization graphs and drill down ability )

Some other tools

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

cadvisor , influx and grafanna

1.sudo docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -p 8086:8086 --expose 8090 --expose 8099 --name influxsrv tutum/influxdb

2.sudo docker run --volume=/:/rootfs:ro --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw --volume=/sys:/sys:ro --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro --publish 8080:8080 --detach=true --link influxsrv:influxsrv --name=cadvisor google/cadvisor:latest -storage_driver_db=influxdb -storage_driver_host=influxsrv:8086

3.sudo docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e INFLUXDB_HOST=localhost -e INFLUXDB_PORT=8086 -e INFLUXDB_NAME=cadvisor -e INFLUXDB_USER=root -e INFLUXDB_PASS=root --link influxsrv:influxsrv --name grafana grafana/grafana

# git repo for remote TTY over the web # git clone
4. sudo docker run --name term -p 3000 -dt nathanleclaire/wetty

Monday, January 23, 2017

Linux Process Management - S6

S6 is a  process management tool , built from ground up. Based upon reliable libraries

Purpose : To manage any process inside a operating system , restart if needed.

Some examples of s6 programs meant to be used in run scripts:
  • The s6-log program is a long-lived process. It is meant to be executed into by a ./log/run script: it will be supervised, and will process what it reads on its stdin (i.e. the output of the ./run daemon).
  • The s6-envdir program is a short-lived process that will update its current environment according to what it reads in a given directory, then execute into the rest of its command line. It is meant to be used in a run script to adjust the environment with which the final daemon will be executed into.
  • Similarly, the s6-softlimit program adjusts its resource limits, then executes into the rest of its command line: it is meant to set the resources the final daemon will have access to.
  • The s6-applyuidgid program, part of the s6-*uidgid family, drops root privileges before executing into the rest of its command line: it is meant to be used in run scripts that need root privileges when starting but do not need it for the execution of the long-lived process.
  • s6-ipcserverd is a daemon that listens to a Unix socket and spawns a program for every connection. It is meant to be supervised, so it should be used in a run script, and it's also meant to be a flexible super-server that you can use for different applications: so it is a building block that may appear in several of your run scripts defining local services.


A home flipping startup ,

Friday, January 6, 2017


CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker ) and the players
CSP ( Cloud Service Providers) Salesforce, GCP ,etc...
UEBA ( User Behavior Anlaytics )
  • Palerra ( acquired by oracle )
  • Perspecys ( Blue Coat )
  • Netskope in campbell, CA raised $132 m
  • Skyhigh Networks
  • Bit Glass ( Campbell, CA ) 
  • Cloud lock ( Waltham, MA)
  • Elastica ( Blue Coat )
  • Cipher Cloud
  • Fire Layers  ( Acquired by ProofPoint )


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Standalone kubernetes cluster on OSX

Plan to bring up standalone kubernetes on core-os using vagrant on OSX

Ran in to an issue where i have to un-install vagrant and re-install with new one

Also got an vagrant ssh issue which was resolved by this thread
[ this issue was OSX specific]

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy 2017 and devops coverage

Happy New Year 2017

Coverage on devops tools and where are we with data center monitoring

Apart from here I found some which are very apt

  • ( i personally like the CSTAR rating which this tool provides and security analytics tool ), check their chrome plug-in


