Thursday, February 16, 2017

minikube ( playgroud for kubernetes )

Exercise Goal : Bring up minikube ( kubernetes ) in local VM

Bringing up minikube (kubenetes) + weave scope ( a monitoring stack ) in local laptop
#minikube addons list
- registry-creds: disabled
- addon-manager: enabled
- dashboard: enabled
- kube-dns: enabled
- heapster: disabled
- ingress: disabled

I could not successfully bring in weave, i like it better graphically, but all i got it heapster for now

#minikube addons enable heapster 
heapster was successfully enabled

Kubectl Drain
#kubectl drain minikube —force
This node minikube will be drained and all services will be stopped by force, there is an option to provide grace time.

To recover a node which has drained
#kubectl uncordon minikube

Heapster – the influx , graphana, dashboard for kube

#minikube addons open heapster 

This should open a browser and graphana showing pods, cluster

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