Tuesday, February 28, 2017

GKE - Google Container Engine

Google Container (with K) Engine aka GKE is a container solution from google cloud platform (GCP)

How to start with GKE?
  1. I assume you have a cloud.google.com account signed up with your gmail account, need credit card (but $300 credit) for 60 days
  2. https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/
  3. View My Console 
  4. Remember to download "gcloud" https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart-mac-os-x
  5. My cluster is called "kubecluster-1"
  6. Once i have gcloud init and installed , set up the auth by gcloud auth list      
  7. Sample kubectl command shows it works
#kubectl get namespaces
NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    1h
kube-system   Active    1h

voila, kube is up

Thursday, February 23, 2017

How to run graylog cluster in kubernetes

Graylog is the splunk equivalent for log collection, indexing , search analysis function.

I am playing around with it little bit and seeing the functions, so i need a quick installed version in 

  1. If OS X install minikube https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/minikube/#minikube-features
  2. Running graylog cluster : 
    • #kubectl run graylog --image=graylog2/allinone --port=9000
  3. Forward TCP:9000 to show the graylog UI 
    • #kubectl port-forward graylog-2473246842-b6rhg 9000 &
  4. To view UI : point your browser to :
    • admin/admin is the default username and password
  5. To view logs of graylog pods : 
    • #kubectl get pods ( this should give an output of running graylog container instance )
    • #kubectl logs graylog-2473246842-b6rhg

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Data Analytics / Data Pipeline PANKCAKE

Working on a goal to bring this up in simple kubenetes cluster.

minikube ( playgroud for kubernetes )

Exercise Goal : Bring up minikube ( kubernetes ) in local VM

Bringing up minikube (kubenetes) + weave scope ( a monitoring stack ) in local laptop
#minikube addons list
- registry-creds: disabled
- addon-manager: enabled
- dashboard: enabled
- kube-dns: enabled
- heapster: disabled
- ingress: disabled

I could not successfully bring in weave, i like it better graphically, but all i got it heapster for now

#minikube addons enable heapster 
heapster was successfully enabled

Kubectl Drain
#kubectl drain minikube —force
This node minikube will be drained and all services will be stopped by force, there is an option to provide grace time.

To recover a node which has drained
#kubectl uncordon minikube

Heapster – the influx , graphana, dashboard for kube

#minikube addons open heapster 

This should open a browser and graphana showing pods, cluster

Monday, February 13, 2017

Serverless ( AWS : Lambda / GCP:Cloud Functions / Azure:Functions )


I am writing this as i exploring the infrastructure and landscape of serverless in early 2017.
Lately i see the adoption to serverless is drastic and really see the need for it every month i have to check the bills.

I was telling people that serverless is the solution to big fat bills from cloud providers. In turn what really that means is serverless is the way of standing up applications, databases, ETL jobs , web servers etc... in simple and quick way , where the huge operational cost of standing up virtual machines with operating system is not needed. Indeed the application runs as simple function instance.

AWS : Lamba
GCP : Cloud Functions
Azure : Functions

Are the available famous serverless architectures.

Marriage of containers and serverless

as i write here, there are lots of momentum on container (docker) supporting the serverless infrastructure.

Hypernetes is a secure, multi-tenant Kubernetes distro. Simply put,
Hypernetes = Bare-metal + Hyper + Kubernetes + KeyStone + Cinder + Neutron.

Reference : https://www.hyper.sh/

Friday, February 10, 2017

Tricks using GCP for begginers

Tracking Some gcloud commands

  1. I see the application login authentication need your browser to use the google id and password.

This creates a file ~/.kube/config and stores the downloaded user information session in here.

Launch kubectl proxy or #kubectl cluster-info this uses this application login details to function.

gcloud auth application-default login

Kubernetes cluster on GCP for Dummies

Agenda : Bring up kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform

Reference :  https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way

  1. Bring up https://cloud.google.com, sign in as your google id or create a new google account. Note : Currently $300 is free per account on GCP, *still need credit card
  2. Follow the instruction in the reference section https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way
Sequence of steps
I got the cluster up and working and when i tried to install kube-dashboard, it did not work.
"Unauthorized" error when accessed web UI.


Some more readings : https://thehftguy.com/2016/06/15/gce-vs-aws-in-2016-why-you-should-never-use-amazon/
